
Is there still a poor soul out there who doesn't understand that reference to the greatest TV comedy of all time?

All's I'm saying is that, while I agree that Walt cares for Jesse on some level, his decision to not use ricin was not overtly "for Jesse." It's not like he would have had no qualms about killing some other kid.

Donna, it's been a pleasure coming here each Sunday to relive the glory of the episodes. Until next year, when hopefully a video of Gus singing karaoke will be unearthed.

There's gotta be a better way to say that.

Tio looks sad because he's about to blow himself up into smithereens. Let the guy have a second to grieve himself before taking out his nemesis, please.

Also, I want more Jesse and Skyler, somehow.

I heard Paseo del Norte.

I don't think he did that last thing for Jesse; he did it for himself. Because he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he outright killed a child. In his version, he was merely playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette with Brock's life.

Teach 'em, fratello. That's "brother" in Italian. I don't know why I know that; I took four years of Spanish!

And so is Saul. ZING!

he was even specific about it being a lily of the valley. I'm sure I'm not the only layperson who can recognize said flower on sight.

I think most laypersons are familiar with the look of a lily of the valley. It's a pretty common flower.

"He's a wordsmith!"

No going against Judeo-Christian values… no wait, that was episode 3… I'm out!

All he had to do was convince Saul that the berries wouldn't kill the kid, just make him sick for a while. And maybe he didn't know what Brock meant to Jesse, but he knew how Jesse felt about kids being killed; he was willing to walk into certain death to avenge Tomas.

Heroin? More like my crystal meth.

It didn't seem easy to me; it was carefully planned and almost excruciatingly slow in getting to the climax, but something could have gone wrong at every turn.

I was thinking the same damn thing.

Was it a little ham-fisted? Sure. But I appreciate that they withheld the truth until the end. It made it that much more of a betrayal to Jesse (and us) and thus a more despicable action committed by Walt. This is no redemptive drama. And if it is, shame on us if we thought Walt would get his with 16 more episodes to

called it.