Glazomaniac is right: I meant that Ba Sing Se is the only city as in something that modern viewers would consider a city. Most of the rest that we see, including Omashu and the Northern Water Tribe, are pretty much glorified towns. The population may number into the tens of thousands at the outside, whereas Ba Sing Se…
I'll third that and recommend Kiki's Delivery Service and Ponyo, too. I'm ok with my four-year-old girl watching the Powerpuff Girls in small doses, too, but it depends on the episode.
Much obliged!
Ugh with the bad comma.
I agree; that was nice. And I found your comment, anyway!
I am a big fan of the original and have no intention of seeing the remake. Too little time, too many other movies. But I do want to invite AVC readers to check out the single best article I've ever read on Peckinpah's Straw Dogs, which I had the honor of publishing at my old mostly-abandoned online 'zine back in 2004: …
Although I had a few reservations about the flow of this documentary, I fully agree with HBO's push towards bringing quality documentaries to a mass audience. PBS's American Experience has brought some great documentaries to the public, too, but their focus on the grand ol' USA leaves these international docs out.
Understatement is only one of the tools in this particular Avatar reviewer's bullshit toolbox.
I'm probably on the other side of the looking glass here, but a recent viewing of Downton Abbey (which is fucking excellent, by the way, and I advise each and all of you to watch it) got me thinking about Iroh's views of the Fire Lord chain of succession.
I didn't mean to imply that Iroh was training Zuko to kill either Azula or Ozai, but to defeat Azula and secure his rightful place as the heir to the throne. They've shown that Agni Kai can end without death. And I have to disagree: it definitely seems in character for Iroh to be taking the long view. With Azula as…
I almost put that into the review.
That's a good point.
Ouch! Sorry, I meant to warn people about that in my post.
Man! Thank you, everybody, for the kind words. I was a little uncertain about posting this, but here I am, blown away by your warmth and thoughtfulness. I will endeavor to earn it as we continue.
So, I have a word on scheduling and a personal note.
D'oh! I missed it, too.
That is where I was going. Sorry to be unclear. I was, as mentioned, about a sheet and a half to the wind.
Aw shucks, Lurky. I gotta agree with D: great comment.