
I also loved the episode-long dig at Scotch drinkers. I myself am one, but like microbrews, the seriousness of it all has become noxious.

But it's still always a Treat to see Williams.

I did also enjoy drunk Neal, who is apparently Butt-Head.

I think Peter was just a nerd.

I just saw Magic Mike, and am surprised more people here haven't hoorahed over seeing his butt.

I just like adjectives.

[Insert cat-clawing noise]

After watching all of Prison Break in one month recently, I've realized there are no limits to where a show can go if it wants to survive. For better or worse.

See my "Fire! Fire!" gesture in Stray Observations :) That was pretty awesome.

Ha. Much obliged.

It's true. They did start it.

I most recently encountered him while Netfixing Prison Break. He really is a character actor du jour.

Lady wardrobe. Classic.

FYI, due largely just to time conflicts and commitments, I won't be tracking every episode this season, but I will likely be checking back in and reviewing the finale, so enjoy the season for now and we'll meet back her in a couple months!

I can live with that.

Accents aside, it's a really, bizarrely dated caricature, even as a parody.


Hey there. Your assessment is fair, and it kind of makes me laugh that people who aren't into it (or haven't seen it) get so mad about it. Far as continuing coverage, I'l keep you posted, but FYI, there is an archive of reviews for all of last season.

I can think of meaner things.

Well, it looks like they're moving back away from the melodrama via this Atticus Fench stuff, which is very much dubious as of yet. But the show should always offer some guffaws and I'll always heart Becca.