
That tent looks like where chocolate comes from.

Thank you, Blinky. Exactly what I wanted to say, except you provided the actual explanation and eloquence.

Predictable, not that great.
At least on the single player missions, that is.

shout out to gorky park
Here I am at commentor number 800 or something, down near the bottom where nothing ever gets read, but still I feel the need to throw in my own two cents.

What's up buhhhhdy
Pfth Pfth Pfth Pfth the Weeeselll….

miss macbeth
You write like my sister talks.
How weird would that be if you really were my sister.

creating a market
You said:

dumpster doll
Actually, I think the part about CS and his bodyguard dumping the "dead" Real Doll is pretty funny.

how crazy is she?
Thank you Lastie for "chipmunks shitting rainbows" - I'm going to borrow that one.

M*A*S*H* Body Spray
They have this already. At least that's what my girl said when I asked why she smelled like BJ…

oops- sorry
Here's the Math on this one:

Heres the math

Sax sux in rock but wow, I was all set here to stick up for Morphine and it's already been done for me several times.

"Making pathetic jokes about the easiest possible targets" is exactly what we do around here. Welcome to the Hater!

Still kinda hot
I don't know - I think she's still kinda hot. No amount of bleach could ever wash the Federline off of her, but compared to the average 98 pound starlet she's got a nice bod, especially after 2 kids.

Wanna make those little bastards work? Let's have them sit at a desk for eight hours a day staring at a computer screen and reading government regulations until you're ready to throw yourself out a goddam window. There's a life lesson for you Timmy: don't major in History. I only wish I could spend my day

king chunk
Nice one, Puppybreath. I hope everyone refers to Jonah Hill as King Chunk from now on.

hey, who hasn't
Chocolate Thunder, did you post earlier that Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton et al. have all plowed Paris Hilton?

the other super
Nice Super Troopers reference, NR. The wacky, Man-Boy cops thing has been done before. Plenty of room on the sofa for both of them though.

yes, but what about the hatch?
I love stuff like this, and I'll prolly put in a request for it at my local pubic library.