
They not only have a different body shape, Mercedes has NEVER worn her hair that way or that short. They do not look a like at all. All they have in common is that they are overweight and black. I guess that is enough for you all. And yes it is a racial thing. How many times do people proclaim "all black people look

So are you going to tell me they treat every character the same on the show? Because it's obvious they don't. Certain characters they forget things about and only bring them in to be the enemy for that episode or to prop someone's relationship Klaine or Finchel. Glee has always made me feel Finn and Rachel (and now

One of the best shows I have seen in awhile. It's totally not "historically accurate" (which I don't understand why people are whining about that on a FANTASY show) so if you are looking for that, keep it moving. The leads have great chemistry and I love how fast the show is moving. I can't wait to see more!

All black people don't look alike. Mercedes and Unique don't either.

Finn is not Cory and Cory is not Finn. The two have nothing in common and I hate that people are taking Glee criticism as an attack on Cory. Cory was a sweet troubled HUMAN BEING and will be missed but I can't say the same for Finn. He was a poorly written CHARACTER and them glossing over that in this episode only

She doesn't need to lose a thing. And she has had the most success aside from Chris's book stuff of all the cast. So don't even try to act as if her weight is holding her back.

Don't feel harassed? I bet they do. Especially since Klainers have been spamming Darren's maybe girlfriend Mia's twitter with threats of harm. And now they are bothering that guy Chris is always with.

I have to agree with another comment that a C- is way to generous. People mistake Glee as some show that handles these heavy topics. It doesn't though. They touch on the subject and offer no resolution. We don't learn anything from it, we just hear them speak about it and somehow that is the PSA moment for the


Gave it a F. Very poorly written and I hate Glee metaing in the episode. That scene with Tina and Blaine after the shooting was cringe-worthy. RM took that time to shut up the fandom who keep asking why Tina (aka Jenna a broadway singer) hasn't gotten any solos. They did that last season and had Tina switch places