Alexander the Fucking Great

Look, he didn't do a totally bad job playing me - he just happened to have a crappily high-flown script and a director who was all hepped up on "epic movie" obsessiveness (and shoehorning in every bit of Oedipal tension/underpinning possible, to the great detriment of my actual biography and achievements). If you look

Look, he didn't do a totally bad job playing me - he just happened to have a crappily high-flown script and a director who was all hepped up on "epic movie" obsessiveness (and shoehorning in every bit of Oedipal tension/underpinning possible, to the great detriment of my actual biography and achievements). If you look

Luke's wearing black in RotJ isn't about moral ambivalence or surrender so much as acceptance of power and responsibility. Remember, Lucas (despite being possibly the most autistic self-assumed auteur in the entire history of filmmaking) was inspired by Japanese culture & films as well as Westerns, and in karate and

Luke's wearing black in RotJ isn't about moral ambivalence or surrender so much as acceptance of power and responsibility. Remember, Lucas (despite being possibly the most autistic self-assumed auteur in the entire history of filmmaking) was inspired by Japanese culture & films as well as Westerns, and in karate and

Colin Farrell's scenery-chewing is by far the best thing about Daredevil, including the impressive-but-highly-unconvincing fight scenes and that CGI raindrop-apparition of Jennifer Garner's face. Truth be told, I only watched that movie for the sheer sake of seeing Colin Farrell chew scenery. I greatly enjoy

Colin Farrell's scenery-chewing is by far the best thing about Daredevil, including the impressive-but-highly-unconvincing fight scenes and that CGI raindrop-apparition of Jennifer Garner's face. Truth be told, I only watched that movie for the sheer sake of seeing Colin Farrell chew scenery. I greatly enjoy

More like liquid iron globules at most, especially if he's able to sire children…hmm, but that does raise interesting logistical questions on whether it's necessary for him to ejaculate to eliminate excess iron from his system.  There's a whole porno plot (okay, more than the average) in the making right there.

Or…….people will decide that a lot of commercially-produced material is not worth paying for if that's the only way to access it.  Popularity will stagnate and decline, as fans stop sharing (or remixing or vidding) with others, be they already fans or not, for fear of litigation, and the actual artists who created the

Actually, here's the real trope/moral with the demon baby: it's the only way to prove that she and Edward are really and truly married and that she deserves the happy ending coming to her.  According to Biblical practice, if she were barren he could divorce her because the marriage was not fully consummated

Nothing really, unless they're stage-version purists….in which case they just seem to be kvetching 'cause ZOMG THINGS WERE //CHANGED//!!!!   The movie works - it works just fine.  The plot works, the characters work, the numbers work, the pacing works….so what's the big deal?

Perhaps he's slated to play a sewer rat….?

- He certainly doesn't need lifts - he's 6'2".  They used camera angles and such to try to make him look /shorter/ as Wolverine.

Yeah, he could certainly pull off singing Javert, especially given the acerbic near-straightness of his tone.

WolValjean……hmm…..I can see it….I can /definitely/ see it.  It may not play onstage, given that Wolverine can't just die of old age and heartbreak, but it'd make one hell of a great AU fanfic premise.  Craploads of angst!

Of course there is - just look up "Hugh Jackman" + "Boy From Oz" on YouTube.  His role (songwriter/performer Peter Allen) is very gay & totally flamboyant (shakes both ass & maracas in one number), but that certainly doesn't lessen the rampant sexiness in the least.

"Hey guy….I got your 'nuclear wessels' right /here/…."

Wear sunglasses outside and into the theatre, then switch in the dark.  It wasn't exactly a /plan/ on my part, but I swear, I did not notice the movie being dim and murky at all, 'cause my eyes were already acclimated to dimmer-than-normal lighting…I've honestly been wondering what exactly everyone's been complaining

I agree that I would have liked the ideas to be more fully realized - but I think that the acting and what was /visible/ of the unique premise deserves a lot of credit and sets it apart as a concept, even if it fails to deliver real satisfaction in the denouement and ultimate treatment of the characters.  The