
Woo! I'm considering playing that again—especially since Final Fantasy Record Keeper keeps it fresh in my mind. Or Earthbound. Both are summer games for me.

Totally just reminisced about MANTIS with a co-worker the other day. For clarification, he's in his 40s and didn't remember the show. I'm 27 and somehow did. I think I was, like, 5.


Yeah, I snuck up, prepared to kill whatever this new creature was, and promptly got my ass handed to me.


And some good titles are still coming! Dark Souls 2, for one. Sweet, frustrating Dark Souls.


Yep. I love this movie so much that even just reading this article cheered me right up. It really is that fucking good.

At least she didn't say "epic fail," bro.

I'm being completely sincere when I say that come September (but moreso October) my time at work goes down muuuuch smoother when I listen to Goblin all day.

If I were him, it would really bother me that I've never been able to write anything near as good as video game developers. I mean, he has his money to comfort him, but he has to possess at least a vague awareness of how much of a hack he is.

The Ghastly Grinner. Loved that one but hated the protagonist.

I think we're a little more accustomed to regular commercials, though. Conversely, having Hardwick yell out some hashtag related to what you just saw, with the enthusiasm and tone of a 12-year-old describing a fight between Superman and Thor, sort of takes away some of that dramatic edge.


Pfft. If you have to ask, you sooooo don't belong, hombre.

I'd imagine I wasn't the first person to see this title and suddenly gain a complete understanding of all those times people accused the AV Club of craning its neck downward to sniff its own ass.

All the time. I usually play games on my tablet while watching this.

Yes. He kills her, like, right after he's introduced. Also, all of the characters are smarter and more realistic…except for the kids, who are still horrible.

@avclub-c255c05246a081654a0267cbb725f5a7:disqus @avclub-fbca7c48c185890bd31f538b91ba5fbb:disqus Not sure if you're both Edmontonians, but I tried "my fries" like the day after posting that. It's alright. Not sure how I feel about the baked fries, but the variety of poutine choices was nice. No idea how many locations

I wouldn't call any of those women badass, but I like Betty, ice queen that she is. Carmella was usually pathetic but otherwise a great character. Lori is the fucking worst, and Skyler is a close second, most of the time. I don't know why TWD is being included among Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, and Mad Men, though.