
He is the one who grooms.

"Am I under arrest?" - the smartest thing that Skylar has ever said during the entire series

It was definitely ladies' night on Breaking Bad.

Huell's bowling pin physique belies his amazing pickpocketing and lockpicking skills.  What can't that behemoth do besides lower his cholesterol?

Huell tales oo-woo-oo!

really?  you are going to be discussing face to face next article?

save your breath, he never was one.

um, that's kinda the point.  on a basic level, this is a "remember when you listened to this album?" article.  this involves two reactions, both pleasing:

these are the voyages of Captain Kirust and the Starship Enterpiese…

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Tucos and Frings of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of Declan's henchmen,
And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep
No more; 

"Anna Gunn is as good of an actress as Meryl Streep." - said no one ever, other than a somewhat delusional billionaire.

watched Arya stab the shit out of that dunce-capped Frey and i… jizzed in my pants.  and now i'll go ahead and change.

(Sandor really hasn't had good pig's feet until he's tried the pickled ones)

i think we can officially retire the roose is loose now for sure… until the bolton gets frozen.

you have to admit, when that wedding band played "rains of castamere," they totally killed it.

then you and logic probably don't get along, because the theme is pretty clear… nobody had to cram the idea down my throat to get it.

i think they saved the dick leech for joff, appropriately.

for one brief moment, when stannis said he saw a battle in the snow, i thought he was totally leaking the fact that he is gonna hand ramsey's ass to him on that ice lake in 2015 when the new book finally comes out.

i just cannot wait for the old badass mexican enforcer miguel ehrmantrucha to show up

The show has done a great job at making what is hinted at in the book become a reality. (SEE Talisa's pregnancy, Theon's missing penis) So I hope they really let us know what are in those Manderly pork pies in Winterfell come season 6.