
Could be. Mad Men paid 250K to use the Beatles, and the NYT mentions many pop songs being licensed for less than 100K.  http://artsbeat.blogs.nytim…

Watching this episode again, and had three quick observations:

This is the first episode of the season that I really enjoyed. Loved the Let's.

Nicely done.

Yes. Didn't seem funny, and was distracting.

I also thought it was weird that neither Shirley nor Troy (nor anyone else) reacted to Chevy saying he was going to do a black-face puppet character.


B+, largely due to McHale's performance.

I thought this was the strongest effort of the year, very much in line with the non-exceptional episodes from Season Three.

None taken.

Agreed as to editing. It feels like they're not confident about getting laughs, and end up rushing their jokes.

I believe you meant bacon-fisted.

Meh. C- seems a touch harsh. Maybe C+? I'll admit to not knowing much about Dr. Who, so I may be at a disadvantage.

  The ham costume
  Britta dancing in the ham costume
  Pierce: "Red wi … water."
  Troy: "No sweat, Boba Fett."
  Troy: "Secret dogs!"
  Shirley: "Forget what you saw, and forget that I knew what it was."
  Pierce: "Hijinks."

Wikipedia says he was last seen in an air vent watching Dean Spreck make plans against Greendale.

When I watched it the first time, I thought it was pretty bad. Then I watched it again, watched the original pilot, and watched History 101 a third time. And now I think it's OK.