
It wasn't clear to people haven't read the books, jerkwater.

But let's be honest, that rapist is hot.

Wasted potential
Jason Schwartzman isn't quite Kate Hudson, but he's close.

Once again, EVERYONE already knows that about me Buffy Fan. Christ, you're all so slow.

Not to be an asshole MyNameisRick, but here's another FUN FACT—we all already knew that!

I think whether or not Anya has a soul when she was a demon is unimportant; I always saw Anya and Spike's moral development as Whedon and Co.'s commentary on behavioral/cognitive therapy. Once a person ceases to perform or is rendered incapable of performing certain actions, their thought processes will eventually

I liked Adam and Evil Willow, but I agree that The First kind of sucked. I always hated Glory until I read an interview where Joss Whedon talked about all the previous Big Bads being male, and how they were meant to dramatise different forms of male oppression, and how Glory was meant to be the "Extravangant

Nicholas Brendon became an alcoholic? No wonder he started to get all gross and porky.

She wasn't random, she was Amy's mom. And I feel you Hammer. Also, I used to hate the Angel theme song, because it sounded vaguely Irish-y to me, and I don't really like the Irish, but it definitely grew on me.

Why all the hate for "Where the Wild Things Are"? I love that episode. Particularly the scene with the wicked old lady. It's the point where the writers start to show that while Anya may be strangely literal, she is perceptive in her way.

Actually, Genevieve captured my feelings exactly about, Dylan. I could have written that myself, and I think she very incisively got at the "Dylan problem." However, I did eventually have my "AHA! moment" when I got very drunk and very stoned and watched Don't Look Back, and finally got what all the fuss was about,

I don't see the point in comparing them. Roald Dahl was my favorite author as a child, and I still enjoy rereading his books, but I also love Harry Potter and started reading them in college. They're such completely different reading experiences, with very different attendant pleasures. Sure, Dahl is probably

Catcher in the Rye
I read it when I was 21, and it was fine and everything, but I remember thinking, if I had read this 6 years ago, it would have been the cry of my heart, but now I'm just past this level of disaffection.

I actually liked this episode best so far.

I hate myself for kind of wanting to see this
I am kind of fond of that one girl—I don't know her name, but she's like the poor man's Amanda Seyfried.

Yeah, that pecan pie was so gross-looking.

I too guessed the twist merely from reading this review.

If there was a falling out between SMG and Charisma Carpenter, I'm taking Carpenter's side. I don't think I've ever loved a show so much while finding the main actor so fucking irritating. I'm glad her film career has gone nowhere.

I like Pangs, and I also like Superstar. Mainly I like Superstar for the little joke it sets up about a dimension consisting only of shrimp, and the hilarious call-back to that in the last season of Angel.

I doubt Meryl Streep is only 5'2".