
Also In The News: Dudes Who Are Terrified of Women and Sexuality Are Super Attractive and Seem Really Sane

I LOVE that movie. It actually stands up really well as a bizarre, poppy experimental trip of a film. The tone of that movie is kind of how I imagine the late 60s was.

I think the "comical" bit is where you fell down.

Seymour - I did a bit of sniffing around and yes there are some options. Good to know.

When did this usage caps bullshit happen? Goddammit, I'm moving to Toronto in December. Fuckin lame.

Alexes (remake of Heathers)

Apostrophization is not grammar, it's more orthography.

Oh, Psycho Beach Party….
Love that movie. So gloriously bad. And Lauren Ambrose is pretty adorable in it.

Welcom Back, Mulder!
SO happy this has returned!

You should demand a refund.

This was sure an improvement over the midseason cliffhanger
I'd like to thank matt Nix for swooping in and refocusing the show. I want more of this emotional toll thing. If they don't back off on the cool spy shit and filling the remaining space with this, I'll be good to go for the rest of the season.

If that's why you're watchin Burn Notice I can see your frustration. I like all the awesome badassery as well, but I keep watching because the show has really solid actors who sell the hell out of the shaky scripts (and there've been a few…the mid-season cliff hanger this season was like watching fuckin FANFIC), and

I think in this case the thing to watch is the "how we get there". Remember Columbo? We see who done it in the first scene and then what we hang on is how it gets figured out. Where it all ends up isn't really the point.

With you on the Doors Mr. O'Neal
Yeah, there's something sort of faintly ridiculous and pretentious about a lot of what's going on with them, but there's also something kind of feral and hypnotic that'll suck you in if you give it half a chance.

Yeah, she probably had something that got cut, but she also strikes me as the kinda person that would take a nothing role if she was interested in working with someone who was in it, or wanted to support a young director or something.

Oh now I love Beth Grant!
She seems like an affable kook! I wanna hang out with her, and fly around in a cave!

This Is Why Gallagher Can't Have Nice Things…
Well, now we've done it! Come on, everybody! Let's get off his lawn, we don't want to play havoc with his blood pressure…

yay weird christmas songs
Also sad that Christmas Card From a Hooker In Minneapolis didn't make the list, but then again its connection to Christmas, outside of the title, is pretty tenuous.

From the Associated Press:
"Celebrity chef Paula Deen got an unexpected serving of ham — across her face."

Between the monochrome screen on Nina's computer and the typewriter in back of the pawn shop, and the kinda retro-looking people copier that the folks from the other universe have, it makes me feel like maybe older tech is easier to hack for trans-dimensional purposes? I doubt it'll ever be a plot point, but it's a