Inspector Fichet

Another thoroughly interesting and entertaining interview; thanks!  This has become my favorite feature of the site.  The recent interview with Dick Miller was also fantastic.  I'm looking forward to some 'Tombstone' stories from Michael Biehn.

Another thoroughly interesting and entertaining interview; thanks!  This has become my favorite feature of the site.  The recent interview with Dick Miller was also fantastic.  I'm looking forward to some 'Tombstone' stories from Michael Biehn.

Leave "tats" alone - he's on a real roll here.

Leave "tats" alone - he's on a real roll here.

This is fantastic. Really. I am actively enjoying this. I'm enjoying it so much, in fact, I've come out of hiding and decided to post here again. Bravo, "sick tats." That is some fine trollin'.

This is fantastic. Really. I am actively enjoying this. I'm enjoying it so much, in fact, I've come out of hiding and decided to post here again. Bravo, "sick tats." That is some fine trollin'.

I fancy you, Elegant Victorian Lady.

Ricky Powell is so old…
… Gary Oldman could play him in a movie.

Scanning through the comments, it appears many of you haven't even heard of The Avalanches, let alone owned and cherished 'Since I Left You'. For fuck's sake: the album is a MASTERPIECE. The only prerequisite needed is to be a fan of music. Genre preference doesn't matter or apply. Easily the greatest

The truth is, ironic war criminal, there is a dark side in ALL of us. That doesn't mean we're likely to act on any of these dark impulses. In some cases, with some of the "sick" horror fans you mention, watching horror merely fulfills a morbid curiosity; not unlike rubber-necking past a traffic collision. And it

"So far, no other haunted-house movie has come close to The Innocents or Robert Wise's The Haunting."

'Teen Dream' is easily in the top 3 albums I've heard all year. And 'Innerspeaker' is the album I keep coming back to the most. I really can't wrap my head around why Kanye's new opus is getting this level of praise.

Where is Tame Impala?
Great list, but 'Innerspeaker' is much better than at least a third of this list. It already sounds like a classic, whereas the new Kanye will cease to be as interesting in a matter of months (just sayin'.)

Agreed, 'abcdefz.' It's a good concept for an ad campaign, only with flawed copywriting. "Not sense…" is a pretty poor tagline. No sense to be made.

I guess you're talking about the remaining girl's dead daughter?

Not trying to stir things up, but at what point does 'The Descent' reference 'Don't Look Now'? I've only seen the 'Descent' once in the theaters (solid flick, although I wish we saw less of the creatures) and don't remember anything similar to the other film.

'The Vanishing'! Completely forgot that one. I'd also throw in 'Let the Right One In' to add another foreign feature in the mix (easily one of the best horror films I've seen the past couple of years.)

Oh, and 'The Others' is great; pretty underrated and it holds up pretty well to repeat viewings despite knowing the big twist (unlike 'The Sixth Sense', which was great only the first time.) I'd like to see that one with 'Devil's Backbone' for a double-feature…hmm…

The way I paired the above double-features was more based on feel and era than theme (although you can't really go wrong either way.) 'Carnival of Souls' would be great with 'Night of the Living Dead'…both are effective low-budget black & whites (and great films, of course.) I picked 'Bucket of Blood' because I

Good stuff, UMD. I enjoyed this more than the awful list tossed-out in this article (seriously terrible.)