
The host segments were sometimes fantastic, but I agree that they were very hit or miss.

It was exactly the same! (plus or minus special effects)

That was my inaugural MST3K episode! They played it on a "Comedy Central takes over MTV" weekend.


What are you guys talking about? Where's my dog?

I hear it most often with the hissing s, but Dean's low voice does make it sound more 'z' like.

Well, Cass/Cas (whatevs) ends in a long 's' sound, which means that an ending double 's' is a better choice, orthographically speaking.
It really doesn't matter, though.

The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition aren't the result of Fundamentalism. Fundamentalism basically means that you think that every word in the Bible actually happened just how it says. Back then, however, they were spirit-of-the-word people. They saw a lot of the Bible as allegory.

Can we please lay the "Arrow has no right to be this good" rhetoric to bed? I know that this show and its network have the stench of Smallville hanging over them, but, if anything, the almost-decade old Supernatural has shown that the CW can make highly entertaining and gripping shows — in spite of things being held

That would be a very realistic brother-type answer.

Something happened to the actress. I liked her on SPN (much more so than 2nd Ruby, admittedly), but she's become awkward and frail. When they make her fight in Arrow, it just looks laughable.


That's some good old-fashioned Catholicism! This new fundamentalist-inspired Catholicism has got to go.

Well, they do have the right. This is America, and we have both the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion. They can complain all they want.

People need to believe in something that lets them think that they matter. If it isn't this, it's that. If you want to condemn people for not seeing the whole picture, then I would think that most people are guilty (religious or no). In order to live your life, you have to think of your life as significant. It's

The fundamentalism thing is new — it's only been a thing for the last hundred years or so.

Actually if you think that science and learning are historically opposed to organized religion, you are wrong. Monks were _the_ caretakers of knowledge for over 1000 years, and the medieval church sponsored scientists, encouraged widespread literacy, and was curious about the world. People have a tendency these days

I was upset at that as well. It was disheartening that they didn't consult with historians and get their history right.

I always thought that Stanwyck was at her most beautiful in her 30s.

To be honest, he was okay with the first 'transgressions.' I think that it got to be horrifying after about 20-30 names came out of her mouth.