
You're not alone! It's amazing they don't even mention it though. Like when she went out Harrison and told Dexter maybe she was recognized Dexter was all like "you put yourself out there for me, you're so brave, I love you!" instead of like ummm maybe we should get you some kind of disguise.

Did he? I'm not saying its impossible, but the way it was shot and edited made it seem like he stabbed the Marshall, who dropped the gun and fell over. If he got the gun he did it really quick and with one free hand.

The biggest things I can't get past for these last few episodes is Hannah. In plain sight. Looking like Hannah….like exactly like any picture of her ever. She can't cut her hair? Get a wig? Dye it? Wear sunglasses and a hat always. I mean how are they expecting her to get on a plane when even the nurse at the clinic

Sometimes though what you've wanted all along is what you really want. If you've been waiting all day to get some ice cream and finally get it, it tastes amazing. We've been waiting 7 seasons for Dexter to face the consequences of his actions somehow and have yet to get it. When Deb finally found out Dexter's secret

My biggest problems with this being the last season are 1.) With only three episodes left it doesn't feel like the end of anything, just another season of Dexter. Find the big killer and put them on the table. The stakes should be so much higher. Dexter should have been running from the start of the season, the world

The only complaint I have about Superman killing Zod is it didn't feel as earned as it should have. In the build up, Zod pretty much tells him the only way he'll stop is if he kills him. And then they both proceed to destroy Metropolis with no regard for human life until Zod tries to kill what I assume were some of

Thanks, I guess that could make sense, I just assumed they all started at the same time, and Greendale seems easy enough that you could be done in 2 years really, especially Annie, and I guess Shirley too since she was just as smart.

So I just watched this episode and pretty much reacted like the rest of the spanish class during Jeff and Pierce's project/play. I hope just for the sake of the show that wasn't the last episode ever.

Todd just knows how to sum up my life.

Haven't watched this episode yet, but I just wanted to spitball about the possibility of season 5. In my mind I'd say it has about an 85% chance of coming back, solely based on the fact that NBC is facing the departure of two of it's comedy anchors (30 Rock and The Office) and the failure of multiple other series

They certainly don't have to be but I think this implied kind of preordained destiny cheapens things a bit for me at least. I find the idea that they came together by chance, had nothing in common on the surface, but found something in each other to latch onto and formed this rag tag little family a lot more endearing

I agree with most of the points people have made so far. Making them destined to be together takes away the heart of the show. Being broken and finding each other makes them a much stronger group. Having it now be something that would have happened regardless really diminishes that.

Very true, this whole season made me forget he was even in AC repair school. But what about his true calling as a plumber? I miss the Good Will Hunting allusions with the janitor.

I'm not sure if this has ever been addressed, but does Troy even have a major? Jeff is majoring in whatever Greendales equivalent of law is, Annie just switched to forensics, Shirley is business, Pierce isn't trying to graduate so it doesn't really matter, Britta is psych, and Abed is film. I don't ever recall them

I've heard Dolphin sex increases everything 10 fold. Once you go porpoise…you know the rest.

It seems like they want to play on the whole Annie/Shirley rivalry thing but on the most basic level. They've competed before, like the episode they were both security guards after Britta dropped the cadaver out the window, but in that situation they came off as silly and immature. It was also the first season so it

I don't know if it bothered anyone else as much, but I couldn't take this episode seriously at all with the knowledge of what Annie said last week. I know they switched the order but that's what makes it a little more baffling in my mind. If you knew the next episode was all about the group spending time with this