
holy fuck i can upvote myself. + 1 for me.

The photos would be a legitimate argument if they weren't framed as something which they absolutely are not. Of course you move on from bogus arguments once it's known that they're bogus.

Thanks for the serious reply. My claim is the second one, and also the first but one only as a matter of semantics. (Holodomor means genocide by starvation so I do sort of object to the idea that it - a genocide - happened). I do not dispute that a famine occurred and that many died. The problem with the common US

Ugh, I should've known not to read any AV Club comments regarding Soviet history. If you actually care there is tons of evidence to counter the propaganda (don't laugh; that is precisely what it is) you and other commenters spout: http://www.mariosousa.se/Li…