
Because Bjork keeps mysteriously appearing in their houses.

Ugh, Eleanor. Truly the Zeppo of the Roosevelts.

Wow, look at how adroitly he modified one of the demo images which came with DeluxePaint for the Amiga, by copy/pasting an eye. Truly a man ahead of his time.

If they're hired killers, then it is still a good idea not to let them inside. Perhaps even moreso.

I don't entirely buy that Skorsky, a dyed-in-the-wool investigative reporter with a history of taking on the hard stories, gets as disarmed and flustered by a visit from the cops as a high school senior who got pulled over while holding a bag of weed. It's a weird, unmotivated shift to her character, even taking into

You're right. Clarissa explains it all.

Next week: Fake guns in movies.

I'm a little surprised that Nancy Cartwright's never been on Law And Order. Can't you just see her carrying a file folder from one desk to another, while explaining to the detectives (in the midground, behind her back) that records are only retained for six months?