Nuke the Whales

Wait what time is it? Oh god seal the deal! My seal deal! I've got to get to Sealand. I'm selling five of their sickest seals to a third world zoo.

Wait what time is it? Oh god seal the deal! My seal deal! I've got to get to Sealand. I'm selling five of their sickest seals to a third world zoo.

Shut up Ted!

Shut up Ted!

I always liked the line "Don't ask me, I just work here" and I still use it to this day.

I always liked the line "Don't ask me, I just work here" and I still use it to this day.

good list except I would fit Battery in there somewhere. For me Battery is a perfect encapsulation of big macho dumb guy rock and I love it for that.

good list except I would fit Battery in there somewhere. For me Battery is a perfect encapsulation of big macho dumb guy rock and I love it for that.

AND the Crown Jewels of Change

AND the Crown Jewels of Change

Speaking of great lines from Mr Burns: "But Senor Spielbergo, Schindler and I are like peas in a pod! We were both facotry owners, we both made shells for the Nazis, but mine worked, damn it!"

Speaking of great lines from Mr Burns: "But Senor Spielbergo, Schindler and I are like peas in a pod! We were both facotry owners, we both made shells for the Nazis, but mine worked, damn it!"

 Also "I'm Dick Tracy, take that Prune Face!
          Now I'm Prune Face, take that Dick Tracy!
          Now I'm Pruce Tracy, take that Dick F—"

 Also "I'm Dick Tracy, take that Prune Face!
          Now I'm Prune Face, take that Dick Tracy!
          Now I'm Pruce Tracy, take that Dick F—"

The scene where Grandpa throws his poisoned dentures against the wall and puts the alarm clock in his mouth and runs around screaming STILL makes my stomach hurt with laughter. Love it.

The scene where Grandpa throws his poisoned dentures against the wall and puts the alarm clock in his mouth and runs around screaming STILL makes my stomach hurt with laughter. Love it.

A couple favorite episodes: Hurricane Neddy and The Last Temptation of Homer. For the latter, Mr. Burns yelling at the duck to get back to work never gets old.

A couple favorite episodes: Hurricane Neddy and The Last Temptation of Homer. For the latter, Mr. Burns yelling at the duck to get back to work never gets old.

Die Hard is my favorite and most watched movie by far. Hopefully the 5th Die Hard will redeem the series, just like Die Hard 3 did. There's something about odd numbered Die Hards that increase the magnitude of awesomeness.

Die Hard is my favorite and most watched movie by far. Hopefully the 5th Die Hard will redeem the series, just like Die Hard 3 did. There's something about odd numbered Die Hards that increase the magnitude of awesomeness.