
Yeah, it was okay-ish.

I had to see that with family, too. I wouldn't freak the fuck out like you have, but I think it was the movie where I saw more adults on their cell phones than at any other movie. It was like, "Who the fuck cares?"

He was great on Eagleheart, too. That's where I knew him from, anyway.

Having just returned from the show, I will report that the crowd was a bit older on average than most shows I go to (and I was probably closer to that average age instead of one of the oldest in the room, as per usual). I just think that appeals to a broader appeal than many other bands, which I think would be silly

I haven't heard the new one yet, but I also think Ghost is their best. Shulamith just felt like a typical sophomore re-do of their first record, though that's not to say that I don't like it.

Creeping ever closer to middle-agedom, but not there yet. I find the racial criticism kind of hilarious, as the band members and their music is pretty damned white.

Seeing them tonight for the second time. They're even better live. I like the vocodor effect, but Channy's voice is gorgeous and it's a shame she always hides it. Check out her previous band, Roma di Luna, if you wish to hear it.

Winston spin-off!

Well, it filmed before the Family Guy episode aired (it takes way longer to make an animated show than a comedy movie).

Family Guy did it first, but Hot Rod had it in the can when it premiered and they didn't know it until afterward.

He was perfect and I was disappointed that they sent him away at the end (I guess it doesn't mean he can't come back, though). I thought it would be very funny if Rebecca ultimately fell in love with him. After all, they have a lot in common.

He saw 30 Rock in a bar. The sound wasn't on, but he got the gist.


I went back and read Nathan Rabin's original review for the episode. It was during the time where he was really starting to dislike the show and was showing open contempt for it, though he did like this episode. Anyway, he clearly wasn't paying much attention, because, as was usual, he made about five huge mistakes in

"Let me see that card."

And if you lifted the plastic out of the back of the case, there was a picture of a cow licking its own asshole. Someone showed me that a good decade after I bought it.

I don't think I've ever heard of it and I've owned that album since the day it came out! I don't think modern CD players are able to find those songs anymore, are they?

You called?

But I can't see my lower back.

Redbox is only decent for new releases. There's an enormous swath of movies you'll never have access to the way you do it.