
I'd like that…

I love the introduction of the new Star Wars characters before The Phantom Menace came out, Ant-Jop Bearhead and Bear-Jop Anthead - they just switched the costume heads of their ant and bear costume.

It was definitely the way Cloud Atlas was edited together that made it flow so much better than the book. I found myself getting bored, and particularly the Cavendish section was hard to get through in the book. I think that editing it across, finding parallels to exploit in the stories, made it much more powerful. I

In theaters I watched Joel Edgerton's The Gift. It was quite a good thriller, but I think they make the wrong decision with a certain twist late in the picture.

I am, for pointing out hypocrisy on the internet!

He's a grown up!

If this shit appeared on The Simpsons you dufuses would be tripping over each other trying to bitch about it.

Seriously, try to defend it. It was always one of Futurama's weakest elements.

The black guy with the giant pick comb yelling "WE AIN'T FOUND SHIT!" always kills me.

I do this every night with your son!

I think it's the very first episode, when the stepmom becomes a raging alcoholic, Jerri comes downstairs one morning and finds her stepbrother sitting naked at the table, dipping uncooked pasta into spaghetti sauce and eating it raw.

God, I'm such a KITH fanatic, and that's not even one I remember that well. But it's perfect. The first half of it is hilarious, but the second ups it to something magical.

The scene where Jack pretends he's Tracy's dad is one of my favorites, especially when Jack starts doing the nerdy white guy stepdad voice and Tracy objects, "Hey, now, let's not resort to stereotypes!"

Frank's chinless face after she says that is one of my favorite images ever.

I've always told my friends to put my ashes in a coffee can and throw me in Jeff Bridges' face. If he has already passed, his nearest relative's face.

Well, I'm sure when the Nixon head was invented, Clinton was still in office.

Yep, the Beck episode is my least favorite from the original run for that reason. And, yep, why the Hell Nixon? Nixon had been dead for almost a decade before the show even premiered.

Nixon is one of my least favorite thing about the series. I hate the whole heads in jars thing (though I wouldn't get rid of them, just for the Star Trek episode), and Nixon is just annoying.

Spanish Fry is one of my favorite episodes. I think it's one of the funniest episodes they ever did.