
fishscale had some bad skits. "heart street"? have you heard that?


maybe it's too "intelligent" for me, but i cant seem to like that grizzly bear album. i can't find the melodies, either.

revolution 9 is a piece of shit, pretentious and not even listenable. still, that claim is fucking outrageous

boring? harrison wrote some great songs. some of the beatles' best.

Sir Lucius Left Foot was better than Kanye's last album. Shine Blockas, Turns me on, hustle blood, follow us: all killer tracks. even the intro is badass.

second that. carolina and alright are amazing

who is
matt takeii? (right right now now)

i have trouble imagining
how the hell a collab like this would sound? big boi rapping over "talking shit about a pretty sunset"? pretty out there..

rabbit, run
I just finished reading it and really enjoyed the book, even though I can't get around the idea that everyone, including this article's author, sees Rabbit as a "hero". In what way? He is self- centered and unable to deal with problems he creates, and seems unaffected by the hurt he causes. He is

is the song in "for emma, forever ago" called RE: STACKS? I could never recommend that hit to anyone, because of difficulty saying the name.