
Cool. Check out my heels:

People who have cartoon avatars of themselves are just one step below primordial ooze on the evolutionary scale.

Yes, there is.

Ha ha because she's FAT!

I'll chop off your balls

I'm the Uncle who comes around every Thanksgiving and corns up your toilet.

I'm sad Todd didn't show up tonight. This sandwich I made him is going to go to waste:

How sad. This is all you have in your life - reposting tired memes for self-validation.

Two words: tinted windows.

Ha ha, I get flagged for saying the Simpsons suck (which is just an opinion)  but I can talk about babies getting dropkicked and no one bats an eye.

Hey, remember how in All in the Family, "Meathead" was a super bleeding heart longhair, yet it was eventually revealed that he was a mysogynistic douchebag?



When's the cutoff date for you stripping, doughboy?

The show is shit, always has been shit, and Matt Groenig is a sentient turd.

Dear God this looks like shit.

Huh - someone finally made a movie about my life.