Nina Alvarez

Umm… I don't think Lucas is actually trying to be friends with Hanna. What was with him trying to get her drunk?

"Ezra’s constant demands for Aria to not feel any remorse are strange but also sort of in character for what we know about Ezra Fitz."

I teach creative writing to teens - and when you teach an art, you have to be able to be spontaneous. Therefore I don't think making things up last minute makes Will a bad teacher. I mean, I would have strangled all these Glee kids by now. So whatever he needs to do to deal with their crazy…

Fourth hand is Junior. My guess, anyway.

Lazy writing with the "Niall popping in to the bathroom just at the right time" thing. I can't believe how low the bar has gotten in the True Blood writers room. But I have to say, when they played the Bill and Sookie theme music, I got a little wistful. The show is best when it harkens back to the relationships

and an evil, evil smile…

OH my god. You're right!

Yes, we did. They had to apologize to him in person.