
Star Jones Reynolds
Oh god, she really DOES lok like a hammerhead shark, doesn't she??

Frankly, if Prince feels the need to simulate a schlong thats half his body length, I guess he's entitled to. I would have felt better had he NOT chosen to do it on national TV, however.

the rock
he is funny to listen to. and he's also GREAT eye- candy.

That comment was almost as good as my other favorite: "Road Whore", as in, "How about I make you my Wee-Yotch, Road Whore? As a "My name is Earl" fan, i'd like to see that line in an episode.

cant spell…
sorry about that. can't spell today. think i have my head up there, too.

but seriously..;
I think i might work with these guys…(most of them <conservatives at my work> still think that Bush is the greatest thing since the invention of the beer catapult. most of the people that take the Conservapedia seriously have there heads so far up their asses they need to ship daylight in by