
I'm sorry, but this is just wrong. Duchovny had Californication, which lasted for 7 seasons, got him some additional award recognition and is regarded as a good comedy. Gillian Anderson is a force to be reckoned with in Hannibal and appeared in 22 episodes, from a total of 39. It's a pretty good number.Also, Hannibal

What the fuck, Netflix? This is plain dumb. They've called this show one of their most popular and 2 seconds they cancel it without a proper ending?! Thanks a lot, Netflix! You've ruined storytelling after giving it a good rep.

I love Kevin's story. I see it as the story of a man who is willing to push further than anyone to get the job done, but unfortunately is never quite enough. It makes me think of him as a coward dressed in a courageous man, a man who is ready to walk a thousand miles just to drop before the finish line. There's a

Also, Tari Hatcher never shared a scene with Brenda Strong.. Am I the only one who waited for it?

I'm so fucking sick of the politically corectness regarding 13 Reasons Why and Dear White People. Teen suicide and racism are still major problems today. It's clear that not talking about it isn't helping. But as soon as a series touches a major subject it becomes so 'bad and dangerous', that critics don't even review

I get your point about Kwenthrith, but the reveal that Magnus isn't Ragnar's son, brings new shades to her character. Seeing as she was always surrounded by powerful men, starting with the men in her family, then with the men ruling the kingdoms in England, and, finally, with the men of the world (Ragnar and the

The episode had so manyy great scenes, it's an easy A- for me. Floki is still one of the greatest characters on the show. You can forgive him for anything. And I'm not bothered by the fact that Lagertha didn't get killed, I'm excited to see her as queen, leaving a proper mark on the world. It's what she deserves.

This episode is just superb, maybe one of the best episodes I've watched in my life. I couldn't even read the review, fearing that something would ruin it by trying to rationalize it. And honestly, sometimes is not even about the story (which is perfect), but for the spirit of it. For the lack of brotherhood it so,

Well, I find it very rich. Carry on..

They always do! One of the reasons I love the show..

I love that The 100 took the time to say: 'There is still hope!' There is still hope, people! May we meet again.

Sara was my favourite this season, if she's out, I'm out. It's a shame about Hawkgirl, she's one of the best characters in the comics, however, everything was moving against her in this show

I knew this was coming, but still.. I'm not even sure I want to watch the new series now. Most likely I will, for the actors, tho, but that was brutal.

I'm just glad we get more Vikings! Keep up the good work!

Epic episode. I haven't been so excited since Blood Eagle!

I was worried for a minute that Zoom stole Barry's speed. But, no. he had to be cruel, leaving him paralyzed and then kill him..maybe

The difference here is that Eastman had a goat in his yard. Morgan has a wolf. Wolves should be treated as wolves.

The episode was fenomenal, as usual. Being the first episode of the season that made me get excited when it comes to the future. What would this town be, now that its gift was taken away? What will their prayers become? And with a second departure happening in Miracle, what will the world descend to? So, thank you The

The timing adds up, when you think that the wolves didn't have any guns, and Carol got them later. Also, I hope Glenn took The Michonne-route and covered himself in walker-bits to get through the herd. It's a shitty way to die..

I can't agree on the mysticism part. This is another culture that we are talking about and the gods were real, and they did receive signs and omens, this is what they believed in and this is what makes Ragnar's journey so much interesting, knowing that his gods are real, while also knowing about this other christian