
I'M JULIAN FELLOWES! Is a donkey and a mule the same thing? Does this donkey fix cars? I'M JULIAN FELLOWES!

Oh I think we all know him better at LT Nate Fick from Generation Kill.

This guy is super into physical therapy.

Because of Shabbat, prolly.

What is albums precious?

God, it has to feel good to sue that crooning moron.

Det Rustin Cohlzibit, is that you?

That's good news!

This really calls into question Xzibit's integrity. Those "Yo Dawg" memes just seem like shallow jokes now.

He's not terrifying as much as he is sometimes smug. Basically the same character.

Whoever would have though the guy that played Endless Mike would go on to be the terrifying AUSA from Justified? NO ONE!

Chappie have book?

Staind Glass 2: Scott's Bruce Springsteen Impression For Three Hours.

They call it Schrabbing and the kids LOVE it.

Pretty excited for this, but what show did Schrab work on?

Will these changes prevent him from suburb rocking? Because that's the clearly stated mission of one of his marquee songs!

The ABF rule. Always Be Farting.

I liked Songs of Innocence. I thought it was good rock 'n' roll, uh, music.

What about Chris Koruda, the unofficial fifth member? Oh wait, that's Phish. Without Harris, I'm lost in the cosmos sorry!

My twitter bio is "A little boy that wants to be a big boy."