
I never say it, even when I watched it.


I want Norm back on television regularly.

Everyone knows The Grand Budapest Hotel is the logical conclusion of Wes Anderson's worst proclivities. What this article presupposes is, maybe it isn't?

Say Sandpeople one more time!

FANTASTIC! I hadn't heard anything, so I assumed the worst. Silly me—who can pass up Richard Kind?

So… no David Gordon Greene series about the tennis pro?

Everyone knows the categories for the Oscars aren't decided by AV Club staff. What this article presupposes, is maybe they do?

I've lost a lot of friends that are annoyed when I constantly ask, "wait, is it time for another episode of [whatever someone just mentioned] Bro?"

I think really related to this because I knew a few guys a couple years ago that called EVERYONE Johnny Beans or Johnny Batz, depending. It was some inside joke between three guys and it just spread. Soon Johnny Batz or Johnny Beans was like saying dude—as in when a friend walks into a room, "Heyyyyyyyyy Johnny

Ohhh that's good song!

Thanks for trying!

Hi boss! Feel better!

Ha! I laughed out loud and my boss is sick today so I DGAF! I have officially declared today 'LOOK AT INTERNETDAY.'

My love for UTU2TM has reached unhealthy levels. I anxiously wait for people to talk about losing something so I can hope that they… found… what they're looking forrrrrrrrrrrr!

It comes close to be as funny as it was when played with Don't Stop or We'll Die, which I believe to be the Riddle Me This gold standard. Neil Campbell, or Niles Forchime, or Nole Clampbell, is one of my all time favorite guests.

[FARRRRT] "Grabowsky!"


Was this the guy that also played Balldroid????!!!! #YesAllBalldroids

I was involved in a naval disaster on my second deployment to the Northern Arabian Sea. I got so drunk in Bahrain that I pissed myself in my rack. Turns out it wasn't my rack.