Jimmy Montrose

You puny, puny man. Everyone knows that Naked Raygun rules the wasteland.

Take notes Under the Dome. This is good dumb. What you're doing is just regular dumb.

Spoiler-schmoiler, you lost me at "super-magnet plotline…won so much acclaim." That plot was ridiculous. Second only to Fly as the weakest of the run.

Well done Z-man. Also, Wally Wackiman will always be my choice for protege.

My thoughts exactly. Punch Drunk Love is the finest "Boy Meets Girl" movie that I have ever seen. It is original, well acted, beautifully shot, perfectly paced, completely satisfying and unexpectedly moving. There is nothing in this movie that should have been cut and there is nothing that it was lacking. You though

My thoughts exactly. Punch Drunk Love is the finest "Boy Meets Girl" movie that I have ever seen. It is original, well acted, beautifully shot, perfectly paced, completely satisfying and unexpectedly moving. There is nothing in this movie that should have been cut and there is nothing that it was lacking. You though