
He kind of cheated.  Loras purposely rode a mare in heat which messed with the Mountains horse

AMC advertises on here a lot. I can't help but think that has something to do a with a B+ grade. 

Another Fuck you to the viewers.  They must think we're the zombies to accept this crap.  I'm not hanging around for another boring season where they play games with the viewers and drag out the Governor storyline. 

This is an April Fools Joke.   Why the hell would he come out and admit this?

They really went overboard building up Tiberius.   I knew Crixus and Argron had to die, but simply not believable that Tiberius was the one to do both of them in.

Because it's not PC to make fun of hideous trolls.  Besides, she has a great personality and that's all the matters, Right?

I have to disagree.  Colt passed the test when he didn't shoot Boyd with the unloaded gun.  Colt loves Boyd like a brother and has no reason to betray him.  Boyd's been great to him and he's closer to Boyd than johnny.   I don't think Colt has the motivation to take Boyd's place.  Colt seems to be aware of his

That was straight out of Deadwood when Cy shanks Leon the same way in the last episode.

That scene was almost straight out of True romance.  I thought Bob was more FUBAR than he actually was.

I really hope Cole survives, but I know he faces long odds with Tim out there.   I thought he was going to snap that guys neck instead of shooting him.   I think he'll be taking out Cousin Johnny next.   They've done a great job with his character instead of portraying him as some ex military stereotype. 

This show should be a lot better than it is.  I agree some of the past episodes have been better than the earlier ones this season, but it just feels like the season is dragging until the big battle.    As for the Governor, it also just doesn't feel like the writers have gotten a firm grip on the character.   I felt

“Do not fucking cast that look.” That might be my favorite Agron line of all time. That was hysterical and adorable.

The Walking Snore.  They are committed to dragging this season out. I could have skipped the last few episodes. The attempt to add depth to the characters like the Governor, Andrea, and Michonne have failed miserably.     I'm not unrealistic in that i need action every episode, but I can see why the show is getting

She's a real piece of ass.  I have to watch that scene again.  Normally, this might be a love triangle,but it's Gannicus we're talking about.

Good point.  There's no way JR would just kill himself unless he had a terminal illness.   I imagine JR's right hand guy will produce more "letters" that fully explain his death

I don't know why we couldn't see another Bobby and Ray fight instead of John Ross & Christopher.  It also looks like Ray and Bobby's relationship is pretty icy.   I think Bobby will spend the rest of the year being JR which is alluded to in his eulogy.

I think you need to rewatch the show.  Jock had a great relationship with all of his sons except Gary.  Bobby was his favorite and he admired the way Bobby would stand up to him.  JR was the most similar to Jock and the only regret Jock had was that he never taught JR when to stop in his quest for ultimate power.   As

Paul is Dead

Gary sucks.  A loser and a drunk.  The guy ran from any type of pressure.  He was a disgrace to Jock

Gannicus can not be killed. The best thing the show has done was to make it more about Gannicus than Spartacus.   I look for Gannicus to survive and show up in the rumored Caesar spin off