
I do live in NYC and I hate Bon Jovi.  I understand why he was there, but we didnt need to have to hear so many of his garbage songs.   I admire what he's done from a charity stand point, but just do not enjoy his music.

it would have been great to hear Paul do Lithium.  The show was ok and we could have done with more Stones and less Bon Jovi.   I thought Roger Waters was the best followed by Clapton.
I would have liked to have seen Tom Petty too.

it would have been great to hear Paul do Lithium.  The show was ok and we could have done with more Stones and less Bon Jovi.   I thought Roger Waters was the best followed by Clapton.
I would have liked to have seen Tom Petty too.

The show is ridiculous.  I can't stand to watch Claire Danes anymore either.  The SNL skit by Anne Hathaway really nailed the absurdity of her character.

The show is ridiculous.  I can't stand to watch Claire Danes anymore either.  The SNL skit by Anne Hathaway really nailed the absurdity of her character.

I like Dogma. Everything else is pretty much the same movie to me

I like Dogma. Everything else is pretty much the same movie to me

They've actually filmed some scenes already.  The release date is 10/14/13
There's a new Miho and I'm not sure if Clive Owen is in it.  His character Dwight is supposed to look totally different.   I could though watch a whole movie based on Marv and his mitts.

They've actually filmed some scenes already.  The release date is 10/14/13
There's a new Miho and I'm not sure if Clive Owen is in it.  His character Dwight is supposed to look totally different.   I could though watch a whole movie based on Marv and his mitts.

I will say one thing for her,. She does have a nice big ole behind.
I'd like to put some barbecue sauce on that butt and just….

I will say one thing for her,. She does have a nice big ole behind.
I'd like to put some barbecue sauce on that butt and just….

Very good.  Blu-ray really does a great job of accentuating Anne Hathaways's ass on the Bat motorcycle!

Very good.  Blu-ray really does a great job of accentuating Anne Hathaways's ass on the Bat motorcycle!

"I don't know what you mean by special
circumstances. If I want to, I can
burn the whole fucking camp down. Cut your throat first and then burn
down the whole fucking camp"

"I don't know what you mean by special
circumstances. If I want to, I can
burn the whole fucking camp down. Cut your throat first and then burn
down the whole fucking camp"

It's sad but you have to laugh at stuff like this.   You always wonder just who are these people and just how stupid are they.   You expect this stuff at a sporting event where alcohol can be blamed, but this guy  probably has the IQ of Brick Tamland.   at least Brick used a Trident!

It's sad but you have to laugh at stuff like this.   You always wonder just who are these people and just how stupid are they.   You expect this stuff at a sporting event where alcohol can be blamed, but this guy  probably has the IQ of Brick Tamland.   at least Brick used a Trident!

The guy could have shown some decency and shot her in the dead so that she would at least not come back as a zombie.

The guy could have shown some decency and shot her in the dead so that she would at least not come back as a zombie.

How come two black guys can't exist on this show at the same time?