
Just saw it. Copper powered the alien's tech & guns, so the fate of the world of course hinges on a penny at one point.Oops, spoilerish.
The whole thing was seen through the dream goggles of the boy, sometimes with a sledgehammer, but it had Laraine Newman and Louise Fletcher swallowing a frog. And the line, "the

Ak ak ak akak raak AK AK!

Maynard Ferguson's MacArthur Park, MF Horn 4/5. Less annoying words, more bari sax solo.


What is the point of this story
What information pertains
The thought that life could be better
Is woven indelibly
Into our hearts
And our brains

"It's not that we don't want our hearts torn out…"

Hollyhox, thanks for linking to that review. Don't care if I see the movie, haven't since I saw the first preview, but "To grumble further would be, as the saying goes, akin to pointing my Water toward the Wind."

Just three words. I.G.Y.
Go look it up. Then suck it.

Snake Plissken? I heard you were dead!

Fist Full of Yen = Made of Awesome, Win, and WooT!