
It was blatant shipping and a complete re wite it was laughably bad

Where is Raven?She has been well and truly benched s2b and i do not approve

Hooray Arrow is back best ep all season

lol get back to me when The Flash has a hotter more talented female cast than 'The100'

I don't believe you watch it judging by your comment

EASILY the best on cw nothing on cw is even close to it

That doesn't answer how she is annoying now Laurel is annoying coz she is rude and arrogant thats a reason

When its the subject of his review week after week after week it was time to chime in

All they need to do to help Iris is give her more than 1 minute of screen time per ep seriously its crazy how little time she gets

You sound like a joy

I know i screamed for it would have been awesome

Cisco is my fav and way funnier than Felicity ever was

I still and will always love Smallvile hey best Lex and Lois ever imo

The 100 is still the best show on the cw by a big margin

How is Iris annoying i need to know?

Do u have to bring up your Iris hate in every review its getting tiresome

Abby did believe it was survivable it was Kane and Jaha who thought different

Clarke's decision might have been tactically sound but it was also very selfish

Of all the character's deserving happiness Murphy is at the bottom of my list not even sorry

Abby was the only 1 out of JaHa and Kane that actively tried to prevent the culling with sending down Raven also Abby was the 1 that had faith the kids would survive