
I had a feeling a Felicity fan would enjoy Raven as a character they have similar strength's

lol true

She didn't send her husband to his death she just trusted the wrong person in JaHa who is the 1 responsible for his death not Abby

Their literally alive because of her but she never seems to get the kudos deserved for some reason

They still would have died on the arc anyway though so….she still gave them a better chance

Thats ridiculous what about the new asian chick in the dessert?Raven being a Latino?JaHa leading as an African American?Indra as leader your concerns are ridiculous

Raven won't snap i think she will divert the water and they will cross through aka Cyrus when he took over Babylon

Wait till u see the ladies of 'The100' there never has been a sexier cast of ladies ever

Thats all i want from this train wreck of a season

Bold and wrong

2nd worst of the entire series for me worst goes to the awful Felicity backstory ep i will never watch that shit again

I agree with everything except Lyla and Diggle the only healthy relationship on the show

Agent Carter and The Flash are in another league compared to this once great show and 'The100' is on the throne right now as easily the best show on the cw

He is laughably terrible Seth was miles better

How this crapfest of an ep gets an "A' and a magnificent ep of 'The 100' gets a 'B' boggles my mind

Does any1 have a theory on Raven's plan with the water source surrounding Mt Weather they wouldn't put that in for no reason?

I agree

I wouldn't be against a love triangle with Raven/Clarke/Lexa I've always felt their was something more to the Raven and Clarke relationship

Are u gonna make the same post next week coz its getting dull,why don't u tweet the writers?

Im talking hypothetically Clarke wouldn't have known they survived at this stage but she still let it happen