Charles Lupula

You're asking for a mutiny there, son.

Fuck no. I don't want to be a Stark.

No, he's chewing a sausage.

Come on, if you cut a guy's dick off, you wouldn't eat sausage in front of him? It's half the fun!

My own theory is that we already have and that he and Jaqen are the same person.

I can't help but think that this means doom for Shae.

Pretty much exactly what i was expecting. An episode that pretty much exists to set up next season. The ending was a little bit underwhelming, but maybe because I'm a huge cynic, I saw the last scene as Dany perhaps taking a wrong turn. If she allows herself to be worshipped, when does she stop being a liberator and

All bastards in the North are named Snow.

I really wish I didn't see those two episodes. I was done with this show after the bullshit they pulled at the end of the first season.

So, what are their names and who is the corresponding Stark to each direwolf?

I just keep thinking, "How much of a badass, evil genius is Tywin Lannister that he actually HAS a fucking theme song?!?'

Well, I still think Melissandre's prayers to JBL helped a lot.

Meanwhile, during the bedding ceremony, Jerry Lawler was just yelling "Puppies" over and over again.

No sex is gratuitous when Podrick is involved.

Do you really think Edmure would be able to do anything but snivel for his life? He's a coward, a weasel, and a fool. He's the perfect tool for Walder to use. "Shut your mouth, fuck your wife, give me a son." There are worse conditions to staying alive and he doesn't strike me as a man of conviction.
Of course, he

Hmmmm…it just occurred to me about the bedding ceremony being a tradition in Westeros that I would NOT want to be one of the guys who publicly stripped Cersei naked, considering how angry she is about her wedding to Loras in the first place. I imagine she'd make sure she got your name and one day, you'd wake up with

Doesn't have anything to do with trust. Edmure just has to fuck his wife and get her pregnant for the Freys to pretty much own Riverrun. Until she is knocked up, he's pretty safe.

Drink beer and fuck.

You don't see the change in Jaime? Do you really think he's going to go back to being an arrogant prick like he was when the show first started? If anything, I think we can expect some very big things from him. It wouldn't surprise me if he's the one to finally end Joffrey or Tywin.

Hmmmm…sounds like you should stick to The Lord of the Rings. Lots of bland, heroic figures in that that never have anything bad happen to them.