Charles Lupula

He basically gets that, anyway, though, the moment that Edmure knocks up his daughter.

I see a lot of mention of Lannister gold going to the Freys. While I think that is a definite, it also occurred to me that Tywin probably promised some of his nephews to the Freys in marriage, in exchange for this.

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus Which is exactly why Tywin left it to his least favorite Lannister.


I know Joffrey seemed to revel in the idea of having Sansa stripped naked in front of everyone at the wedding.

@avclub-17c3613df50203d147fc87ccd0f1436d:disqus I'm actually very jealous of you having been unspoiled by this. I wish I hadn't known it was coming.

I am happy to say that this is the absolute last thing that has been spoiled for me. From this point forward, I have no idea what is going to happen and I very much hope I can stay that way.
I don't know why so many "Song of Fire and Ice" fans have to be dicks about it, to be quite honest.

I think Arya learned that lesson today.

Yeah, Joss usually at least leaves someone left to mourn.

You're forgetting the one Stark the Lannisters do still hold: Sansa. They've spoken about Tyrion ruling the North as her husband. As long as they keep her safe, technically, she's the only living heir.

Starred in Salo, I see.

Thank you for the Arya spoiler, Tim!

I had it spoiled for me back in season one in the SAME thread where someone spoiled what happened to Ned. It's when I learned to stop coming online to discuss the show until this particular review format started which stayed friendly to people who didn't read the books.

You mean, they made a movie after it?

You all have no idea how much I wish that someone who read the books hadn't spoiled this for me.

After losing so many people in her life, I can see Arya just becoming the Hound's protege at this point, with him teaching her how to just be a stone cold killer and get her revenge. But knowing this show, I'm sure she'll die too when I least expect it.

I would love to see Cumberbatch as either the Valeyard or have John Simm regenerate into him as the Master.

Well, Bello is from the most famous lineup, but Dan Lilker is original bassist.

Daniel Tosh thought so too. That incident was the entire basis of his comedy stylings.

Are you stalking me? Hmmmm…sounds like somebody has a mancrush.