Charles Lupula

That's how they do it…

Louis CK rapes her, right then and there. With four other guys.

We're sorry. We hate to interrupt. But it's against the law to jump off this bridge.

Yeah, I agree about the ending. I wanted another 10 episodes by the time it ended.

I loved DeBrie, Rebel, and Heartfire, especially DeBrie and Herbert Love. I actually felt bad when she told Tobias to just let her die.

Oh, well. That's disappointing.

You, sir, are lacking in humor. That was one of the funniest gags of the show.

That's what I would have preferred they do, to be quite honest.

Don't be mean to him. English isn't his first language.

is is your opinion. I found it to be the funniest the show has ever been.

Rebel Willis popped into my head.

I just couldn't believe how he suddenly looked older than Gob.


You can't tell me that if Enterprise had come on first, instead of Voyager, that the Trek franchise would have died after it. Voyager weakened the franchise so much, after the heights that Deep Space Nine reached, that nothing but absolute greatness would have survived.

That might explain why you and I differ so much on whether this was funny or not. I was someone who believed the show got funnier as it went along, and had to force myself to keep watching all of season one. I only did it because I had seen the Mr. F episode from season three (which I thought was hilarious) and knew

He pauses it between scenes, takes a sip of white wine (red is for peasants!), and then ponders what he has just seen, before spitting the wine back into the glass.

No one aged worse than Steve Holt.

While I think the season did have a couple problems here and there (I found Kristin Wiig and Seth Rogan VERY distracting and I don't think I will ever find George Michael interesting), overall, I thought this was the funniest the show has ever been, especially the Tobias, Lindsey, and Gob episodes.

What is the reason to keep watching ANY television if you're going to look at it that way?!? Jesus Christ!

That was one of my biggest problems with the show, really. They're the Maquis! Considering how much tension Deep Space Nine always had concerning the Bajoran Resistance, I couldn't believe they'd neuter the Maquis like that so much on Voyager.