Charles Lupula

I'm sure most people will think my choices are insane, but whatever…

Personally, I always saw Voyager as the show that killed the franchise. After the absolute brilliance that was Deep Space Nine, Voyager was a constant letdown. Seven of Nine felt like a complete act of desperation to me, despite thinking she was quite hot.

For the longest time, as a fan of both punk and a lot of 1950's music, I had heard about this song and was curious about it, but had never had the opportunity to hear it until 2004, when my then-bassist and I were hanging out and she brought some mix CD's. One of them had "Rock-n-Roll Radio" on it. I have to admit, I

I know I'm going to regret this, but what was the context of her doing this? Does she keep jugs of her pee laying about for health reasons? Did she really have to go and only have a glass to do it in and then, afterwards, thought, "What the hell! Might as well take a sip?" Was she all, "LOOK AT ME, DRINKING MY PISS,

The most disturbing part would be what they use to power slide around corners.

I was actually thinking that would make for the worst alien invasion movie ever.

Myself, I've never been a fan of monster-of-the-week shows. Children of Earth was pretty much the best that Torchwood ever got, especially because of its arc. Season 1 just seemed to slog on forever at times.

I had forgotten about those three. Those would work as well.

When I was 13, I used to jerk off to Clockwork Orange and Caligula. Misery is no match for a teenaged boy discovering what his boner does.

Thinking about it, since the time stream of the Doctor incorporates both his past, present, and future selves…this opens up the Great Intelligence to being a villain in the show again no matter what time period or regeneration. Clara going back in time didn't automatically beat him, it simply meant that she was there

I was lucky to see the first season, third or fourth, because it was a really shitty season. If I had started from the beginning, I would have never watched again once the farting aliens showed up. I'd say to just completely skip the 9th Doctor stuff and go to the Tennant days. The episodes I use to get new people

Yes, I am sure all the fangirls can't wait to cosplay as Strax. O_o

Maybe I'm alone in this, but I, personally, loved the scenes of Clara with the past Doctors. It even seemed to answer one of the big cliff hangers of the old series that was never resolved. 
I don't see the point in giving a poor grade to an episode just because they didn't have the money to make it look more realistic.

Most shows do do it, to varying degrees, but during the RTD days, it didn't really seem to be done at all.

Actually, if I recall correctly, The Valeyard is supposed to be the product of a regeneration gone wrong, specifically, the regeneration from 11th to 12th, since the Doctor only gets 13 lives. However, if John Hurt is a past regeneration, that means that David Tennant was the 11th, which could very well mean that my

Don't watch last season of  Boardwalk Empire.

I find the Theon torture scenes amusing, myself. But that's because he's a honorless little weasel who sold out his friends/family to try impress his daddy. And I don't have any sympathy for him.

He'll give you your bucket.

I disagree. Superman IV is a masterpiece compared to the trainwreck that is III. IV is not a great movie. Not even a good one. But it is worlds better than III.

I cannot comprehend someone finding a single worthwhile aspect of Robocop 3. Robocop 2, on the other hand, I think is vastly underrated as a satire.