Charles Lupula

I'm not alone in still having the imagine of Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter's ass in my head, about an hour after having seen the episode, am I? I don't even think she's the most attractive woman on the show, but goddamn, I can't get over how nice it is.

There must have been something wrong with your screener copy that replaced Theon with Tyrion.

I was very disappointed by this episode. The second half of this season has, so far, made up for the awful first half (which really disappointed me, after how much I loved season six), but this episode just fell flat in so many ways.


The only thing I didn't like about the episode was Jojen's little seizure, but that's not the fault of the show itself. Having seen an epileptic friend of mine actually have one right next to me, it totally made me realize why people used to think it was possession. They pee themselves, their eyes go nuts, they fart

Sam honestly seems like it'd take him three days to find the bathroom in a house with only two rooms.


As I only speak English, your post perplexed me.

20 of them, in fact.
They're all the same.

I have a feeling that she's only known one guy from Braavos. I'm still convinced that her teaching and Jaquen are the same guy. Why else would he have seemed so interested in her from the very beginning? Not to mention, we never saw her teacher actually die.

I somehow get the feeling the warg guy had a thing for Ygritte.

If this was The Walking Dead, she would have died, since she had more dialogue than usual and, on that show, that's always a death sentence.

I can very much imagine Littlefinger surviving everything that happens. Zombie army, dragons, Joffrey, Robb, whatever. Littlefinger will find a way to continue living. When he dies, it'll probably be someone we'd never expect to kill him, like Hodor or something.


Jesus, Naturalbornbastard, are you his lawyer?

Yeah, but you're forgetting there's an army of zombies. I'd say having dragons and a huge army would be good against those.

Usually orders don't exist in any form of mortar weapons, no.

I thought, the whole time, that Jorah knew the language. Dany knowing it came as a complete surprise to me.

They've gotta learn sometime.

Was glad to see the female full frontal being brought out again, after last week's nudity-free episode. I think that was actually the first one they've ever done, if I'm not mistaken.