Charles Lupula

I'm a fan of season six, in general. I think it's the most solid of all of new-Who.

Do you have a dog?

He said good.

I was actually disappointed by the lack of both Barry & Katya and any other Sealab characters.

You take that back! Nothing about Ygritte will ever get old!

See how little I remember  about it?

Was that show even on long enough to make jokes about, though? I know I had completely forgotten about its existence until you just brought it up now. I doubt Lawrence Fishburne even remembers it.

It's one of my prerequisites for even dating a woman. I don't think I could ever be in a relationship with someone who didn't find it funny, because our senses of humor would just be too different.

Did you sit up, late at night, for a week straight thinking up "Never Funny in Philadelphia?" Were you excited to show it off for everyone, so that someone, somewhere, might think you're witty?

I can't be the only one who thought to himself that ISIS becoming a rogue state with a hydrogen bomb would make for an awesome next season of television.

Actually, Carl being seduced by the villain reminds me of what is currently going on in the comic with Negan and Carl.

Yes, but keep in mind, this is a show that established Hershel's ability to unlock god mode when he's holding a shotgun, so I'm willing to suspend a little bit of disbelief over some things.

What's taken me out of the story recently was the guy calling himself a king, with a pet tiger.

If you check last week's comments, I predicted that they'd probably just have one or two sentences about Michonne being given to the Governor and then it'd never be mentioned again. I was partly right, in that both Rick and Michonne said two sentences about it, each, and then it was completely forgotten.

Okay, good. I was starting to think I had missed something really important, considering her place in the comic.

Wait. That girl the Governor didn't kill was Lilly? What a lame way to introduce the character.

I'm also wondering if they let the Governor live so that they can eventually do something lame like team him up with Negan or something in the future.

My first thought upon the end of the episode was, "That was it?" Underwhelming beyond belief.

Game of Thrones is my second favorite show on tv, behind Breaking Bad.

I think the Black Album has about four listenable songs and that's it. It's like listening to a totally different band. I remember when I first put the album on, my first thought was, "Uh…I'm sure the next song will be better." And then I kept wishing that every single song. It was probably one of the most crushing