Charles Lupula

Yeah, but this is an article about introducing someone to thrash, not telling them what came after. That'd be like someone asking how what's a good album to get introduced to punk from and you telling them to check out "Reign in Blood." There is a thrash influence in all the bands you mentioned, but this not is about

Morbid Angel were clearly a death metal band, as was Pestilence, Cynic, and…Hell, most of your list is death metal.

Seven HOLY paths to Hell, you mean.

I quoted M.O.D. in mine.

Countdown to Extinction is the album that made me stop listening to Megadeth.

"Been Caught Buttering" was way more death than thrash, though.

I would say that album, while definitely a lower rung on the ladder, is not anywhere near as close to the bottom as Load and Reload were.

I may be alone in saying this, but previous to the disaster that was the Black Album, I had always considered "Kill 'em All" to be Metallica's weakest album. It's got a many great songs on it, but there's A LOT of filler and I don't see the other 3 albums as having any.

You're forgetting Kreator's unfortunate goth phase but giving Celtic Frost shit?!?

The vocalist of Vio-Lence always annoyed the shit out of me.

Jack Daniels and Pizza was the first track on Carnivore's "Retaliation."

Complete with garbage pails being used instead of a snare.

I'm still convinced that clone is the Valeyard.

I loved this episode, to be quite honest. After how awful the episodes in the Fall were (and I say that as a big Amy/Rory fan), it felt like a return to form.

Robert Rodriguez?!? Jesus Christ, do people remember there were movies made before 1996?

That's been in development hell for a while. Hopefully, it never gets made.

Next up, Farscape and Battlestar Galactica. Abrams is going to direct ALL the space franchises.

Merle has had a hard life.

Next week, he will be the sole survivor and will solo EVERYONE and then kill every walker in all of Georgia, before taking baby Judith as his own, and wandering the land, wielding Michonne's katana, with the baby on his back and a speculum in his pocket.

Do you think it will actually deal with it? They'll say one throw away line and then it will never be mentioned again.