Charles Lupula

I would actually be highly amused if the entire board was able to get a Bring It On reference.

That's when Glenn Beck becomes the show runner.

I'm the exact opposite. The pilot was so strong and well-done, I remember being super excited about the rest of the series. It has been one huge crushing disappointment after another since.

Eventually, they start heading towards Washington D.C.

Uh, if the Governor threw Merle into a bunch of walkers, Merle wouldn't be very recognizable later on, would he be?

And thank the gods for that, because, really if there's any actress on the show I don't want to see naked, it's Carol.

With sharpened rocks and hatred.

Honestly, "Clear" was the first episode I can honestly say I have liked since Season One. It made me wish I had been watching those characters instead of the "funny-bad" inconsistent characters the show normally gives us.

I was actually discussing that with a friend of mine earlier, how it seems like the writers on the show don't actually communicate with each other. This would have actually been a great episode if the episodes before it actually supported the things that happen in it. It's like the writers are just given little

Well, I know Shane always looked like he didn't even believe in bathing.

Yeah, how dare they actually try to develop characters in an episode! How boring! This one had Motorhead and fingers being bitten off!

It was a very, very long walk.

It's like the insane troll logic of the Christian Right, when they somehow believe Marriage Equality would destroy heterosexual relationships, only reversed.

Sir, this is totally worthy of that animated gif of Orson Welles clapping enthusiastically.

I don't think the writers of this show understand that a redemptive arc usually lasts more than a single episode.

As someone who hates fart jokes (I cringe whenever Pam does it, but then again, I think she's supposed to be gross), I related to the parts in the car simply because I helped raise dogs growing up and I can tell you that it smells horrible when a mastiff gets gas.

He's speaks in logic! Get him!

He really was one level from putting tiny beer bottles on his fingers and going, "Andrea, come out and play!"

Everything Neil Patrick Harris needs for the next Harold and Kumar movie.

I actually giggled. It was a Monty Python-worthy tackle.