Charles Lupula

That's called having a penis.

Oh, that was pretty frigging ridiculous too, considering how visible the things going on behind that screen were. It might as well have been a window with four tiny horizontal lines across it.

With only two episodes left, they're not going to just dedicate a whole episode to her torture. If anything, Tyrese will find her naked and bloody and decide it's time to leave Woodbury.

I don't think it deserves credit for that scene. That scene was standard, girl-being-chased-by-Michael Myers tripe. All the way to the music used during it.

He has a speculum. That makes his intentions very clear…

It was a family of zombies, out on a picnic.

I found the Governor stalking Andrea, with movie supernatural psycho music playing to be one of the most ridiculous scenes I've ever, well, seen. I also hate to be the guy who says it, but Angel did it better when it came time to having a character who we previously felt sympathy towards turn into a murderous stalker.

The woman Malory was meeting with was the neighbor she's constantly in competition with.

Carl's gonna hook up with Carol, because she realizes he has plot armor and she's been trying to get some since the season began. It'll be a January/December romance.

Andrea got left out because she doesn't have a penis and that little zombie killing contest was all about the sausage measuring.

I've the opposite opinion. I've said to my friends many times that this show has some of the worst licensed music selections I've ever had the misfortune of hearing.

Even if he didn't kill anyone, he did threaten to rape Fred "to death," which is not usually the type of thing television shows let their protagonist say to female characters.

I may disagree with you on what constitutes the beginning of the day, but on this point, I agree 100%. Season 4 of Angel is one of my favorite seasons of television, as well.

Completely agree. The season finale of Season Five would have been the perfect end for the show, especially considering the themes it had touched on in every season, leading up to it. Instead, it slogged on for one really awful season (6) and then one not-quite-as-awful-but-still-not-great-season (7).

I find the first season of Always Sunny to be mostly unfunny (HA! That rhymed!)

I'd argue that Breaking Bad has done the same, but otherwise, I think you are very much right.

Yeah, but it only killed Warren and it didn't happen until the season was pretty much over.

I'm sorry. I wasn't aware we were in an alternate universe where Monday doesn't begin at midnight.

As a fan of both Metal Gear Solid and Robocop, season five of 24 was amazing to me.

You speak madness. That season of the show can only be likened to the dripping of ten pounds of liquid excrement in a five pound bag.