Charles Lupula

It's Monday in New York.

I think he's supposed to be a caveman.

I think you're putting more thought into the show than the writers typically do.

Ah. Thanks for clearing that up. But I guess it does go with his initial point about Season 3 being when the show picked up.

No. You're wrong. Jasmine lead to the greatest twist the show had ever done. That Angel's place in the apocalypse was to basically end world peace. That was amazing!

I kept hoping that they would summon something that would kill all three of them and be the real big bad of the Season 6. I found them so incredibly irritating.

I found the season unwatchably bad until the season finale where Willow goes dark. THAT I did like, but the rest of the season does not excuse it. I kept waiting, that entire season, for the show to get good and it never did until Tara's death.

Absolutely 100% true. It was a rare show that just improved every single year.

Hmmm…I remember hating the show up until the episode where Picard got turned into Lequetus (I'm not even going to look up how to spell that). I had thought that was the end of season 2, but I guess not.

This season, while definitely, an improvement on Season Two (and really I don't see how it couldn't have been) has been pretty ridiculous. This season has been mostly "funny bad" as opposed to Season Two's "unbearably bad."

So, last night's episode of The Walking Dead counts as an entire season already?

Is that when the Borg were introduced? If so, I totally agree.

I absolutely loved Angel's fourth season! That was definitely a show that got better as it went along. The first season is mostly replaceable.

Whoa…whoa…whoa…Buffy's Season Six was "stellar?!?" That was the worst season of the entire show. Personally, I always felt Buffy would have ended perfectly if it had ended at the season finale of Season Five. Season Six was…awful. I remember trying to get a friend of mine into the show. It was the wedding of Anya and

Whoa! Mind blown! I just recalled him saying there were going to be "fucking murders." And I had no idea that was the same actor in both roles.

I liked this episode a whole lot, but…it felt like it was from a future season or something. Nobody acted like how they have the rest of the season. It was like watching completely different (and better, I should note) versions of these people. Personally, I'd like to see more of these four characters, but I'm sure

I think that was the whole point of him being dropped out of the helicopter.

Do you actually watch comedy shows and separate the jokes from the show itself?

For me, the funniest part of the episode was Barry and Katya's appearance.

I dunno. I get the feeling that Daryl thinks of her as a mom, while she looks at him as a potential throbbing member.