Charles Lupula

Anybody else get a distinct "Charlie stalking the waitress" vibe from Rick's little "stuff" speech to Hershel?

And yet again, the cobwebs on Carol's vagina go undisturbed.

I would have fired him years ago for being annoying.

You shut your whore mouth about Terry Gilliam!

You shut your whore mouth about Terry Gilliam!

I feel like Will Ferrel being in Jay and Silent Bob dropped Smith's stock a lot. It was that point in his career where he created his very own Jar Jar.

I feel like Will Ferrel being in Jay and Silent Bob dropped Smith's stock a lot. It was that point in his career where he created his very own Jar Jar.

I didn't really like Clerks II, yet I love everything Randall says in it. I think I could do with another movie of him talking, even if the movie around it isn't very good.

I didn't really like Clerks II, yet I love everything Randall says in it. I think I could do with another movie of him talking, even if the movie around it isn't very good.

Christ yes. The Batman he did was painfully bad and showed he completely doesn't understand the Joker, at all. Not to mention, all the dick jokes in it were all completely out of character for everyone saying them and his little dialogue between the Joker and Batman felt like him going, "Well, I really liked it when

Christ yes. The Batman he did was painfully bad and showed he completely doesn't understand the Joker, at all. Not to mention, all the dick jokes in it were all completely out of character for everyone saying them and his little dialogue between the Joker and Batman felt like him going, "Well, I really liked it when

I kinda liked that speech. It was the movie's complete lack of an ending that ruined it for me. I know he was trying to go with a Coen Brothers type thing, but I don't like it when they do it, I don't see why I'd find it anymore acceptable if someone decided to rip it off.

I kinda liked that speech. It was the movie's complete lack of an ending that ruined it for me. I know he was trying to go with a Coen Brothers type thing, but I don't like it when they do it, I don't see why I'd find it anymore acceptable if someone decided to rip it off.

Red State pissed me off like no other movie in years. I was loving it until they just kinda went, "Eh," shrugged their shoulders, and then the credits rolled.

Red State pissed me off like no other movie in years. I was loving it until they just kinda went, "Eh," shrugged their shoulders, and then the credits rolled.

In his defense, I totally was waiting for Frodo and Sam to start fucking at the end of Return of the King, with how many time I heard, "I love you, Mr. Frodo." There's some clear man-on-man energy flowing there.

In his defense, I totally was waiting for Frodo and Sam to start fucking at the end of Return of the King, with how many time I heard, "I love you, Mr. Frodo." There's some clear man-on-man energy flowing there.

That's the episode that made me go from hating every character to actively wanting them all dead.

As I said above, part of me feels that this plot turn was nothing more than a marketing scheme towards the upcoming Walking Dead FPS videogame, which stars Merle and Daryl and serves as a prequel to the show. I would totally not be surprised if they start bringing up stuff between the two of them that never happened

The videogame Metal Gear Solid 2 was also delayed, in 2001, so that, first, images of the World Trade Center could be removed from the intro, and second, so they could completely remove a cutscene that showed something destroying Lower Manhattan right before the final boss battle.