Adolph Oliver Pubes

To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, John Travolta

They're always after her lucky charms.

I think LW #1 is the ex of LW #2.

And did we tell you the name of the game boy? We call it riding the gravy train.

My mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention.

2 Weird 2 Science

Hold it, Wyatt… I know female stats. Anything bigger than a handful, you're risking a sprained tongue.

Perhaps the black actors would have had more fun being catatonic in a closet?

The idea of the series itself is the most terrifying part.

Additionally, hamsters are not mentioned once in this article. A suspiciously glaring omission.

Get down with Mikhail G. and it ain't no hassle(hoff).

Well, you know… if the shoe fits and all that.

I wonder if the natives will grow restless when whole columns are devoted to a kind of play in which "relatively few" are interested.

Romanes eunt domus!

That's enough.  Why don't you two halt & catch fire.

Please don't kill Greg Brady's friend Phil Packer.  He just got this Oscar hosting gig.

Honest to blog?

I thought when OP said "not at all related" he meant that she's not really his cousin.

I thought when OP said "not at all related" he meant that she's not really his cousin.

Considering the topic, perhaps a *rim shot* would've been a better choice.