Adolph Oliver Pubes

Yeah!  No scrubs!!!

Yeah!  No scrubs!!!

Why you cheeky little… never mind.

Why you cheeky little… never mind.

Oh… I thought that guy's name was Fuck You!

Oh… I thought that guy's name was Fuck You!

Fucking MTV is using Idiocracy as a goddamn blueprint!!!

Fucking MTV is using Idiocracy as a goddamn blueprint!!!

I thought they closed Brandeis?

The older you get, the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow. You just gotta keep on livin', man. L-I-V-I-N.  

The older you get, the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow. You just gotta keep on livin', man. L-I-V-I-N.  

@avclub-ded081fcbbe6cda656e5bc51dfc6bbfa:disqus @avclub-f16faf5d680d7b88e2e157c1c137c497:disqus  Either of you two related to Biggus Dickus?

@avclub-ded081fcbbe6cda656e5bc51dfc6bbfa:disqus @avclub-f16faf5d680d7b88e2e157c1c137c497:disqus  Either of you two related to Biggus Dickus?

So that makes her child… a Mini Cooper?

So that makes her child… a Mini Cooper?

Baby Woof!!!

Baby Woof!!!

I paid a hooker in Vegas $30 for a Rusty Griswold.

I paid a hooker in Vegas $30 for a Rusty Griswold.

'Sup 'sup ta all da party meeces in da house!  Who down wit OPC?