Adolph Oliver Pubes

What was that other one… When We Was Fab? I kinda liked that for no reason in particular.

someone with your qualifications would have no trouble finding a top-flight job in either the food service or housekeeping industries.

These days you can't even play bongos naked without being compared to McConaughey. Damn you Matthew! You ruined it for all of us.

Funny thing, giant Toblerone looks the same coming out as it does going in.

That fine line between clever and stupid is getting badly worn due to Caruso repeatedly dancing on it.

Unfortunately, the self-satisfying comfort of their television appearance will do nothing to cushion the blows to the body from the school bully nor the blows to the psyche from their ever-demanding parental units.

I would think The Bachelor would rank up there on the absurdity scale. It's off the charts on the inanity scale.

I've always wondered what his wife is thinking when he sings "To All The Girls I've Loved Before" as his second encore?

This is indeed sad. It was sad watching Ed's personal turmoil the last few years with his house in jeopardy and all that. At least he's at peace now.

I'm sure Perez has taken many shots to the face already.

That's it! We're changing our band's name to Overt Jingoism and the Arbitrary, Semi-Comprehensible Violence. We are going to so totally rock!

…and Bananarama too!

Quietly download and enjoy In Rainbows but don't pay anything for it because you know the overwhelmingly insufferable group of people known as Radiohead Fans are going to overpay or else the group will break up.

Did everybody
on that set have to wear a nebbish shield to protect themselves from the whirling maelstrom of timidity that emanated from the confluence of Larry David and Woody Allen sharing the same space?

What else ya gonna do in Green Bay?

If he were a Lions fan it would be even more darkly funny.

I thought Left Eye died in a car crash in a South American jungle?

Capitalizing the word "first" seems a tad desperate and strikes me as quite Sally Field-ian in its blatant call for admiration.

I like you AVQ & A. Do you like me?

Whos' the stiff?