Adolph Oliver Pubes

I always assumed every area of the country had an Irish business man who used some variation on this jingle from my youth, "S. U. double L. I… G. A. N. spells Sullivan!"
Heck, even Kramer used it in reference to Hennigan whiskey in a Seinfeld episode.

And where would Led Zeppelin have been without John Paul Jones? Where?

You have abused the right to say something stupid.

Now that is just fucking too wierd. I just posted an ad on Craig's list looking for caucasian space alien robot guy with chick's name for friendship, maybe more?

Just think if Bullet had had AC/DC in it. Heads would explode.

Oh shit. I was only joking.

Hoo boy! That Estevez. He sure is a coydog.

I can provide a dark-chocolate "banana" bar any time you need it, baby. Wink wink.

That dude who gives the robot dog a kick is totally going to be first in line to have his guts pulled out by a robotic winch when the machines take over. Don't think the machines will ever forget you now homeboy.

How many ticket stubs from viewing this movie do you have to send in to get a free Bazooka Gum t-shirt?

I put Bob Seger somewhere near the top of that list.

Thanks Zack. I suppose I really should watch the whole thing in a sitting before commenting. I thought I'd seen enough of the bits to piece it all together.

Yeah, me too.

Shit, didn't Rolling Stone score an interview with him after The Road came out? Come on man, don't tell me the AVC is going to allow themselves to be pwned by Rolling Stone?


"P-51 Mustang! Cadillac of the skies!!!!"

::heavy sigh::

Speaking of shits getting old. How many more of these films can Moore make? I mean, yes, we get it. The powerful are trampling the poor and the meek. Let's just take comfort in the fact that they are the blessed. So I'm glad they're getting something, they have a hell of a time.

I thought the saddest place on earth was Seacrest's dressing room when the lights are turned off and the cameras go away.

Aww come on. I love it when you call me big poppa.