former state street rat

- Okay, I didn't see this mentioned, but when the team was in the car on the way to the station, and Kat mentioned something about the generator, and someone asked how she knew that, and she didn't know, must have been a tour she took or something?

"It's my turn, Dr. Rosen." such a great scene. And when Rosen put his hand on Gary's shoulder to steady himself, that was a nice touch. "Wait, no, that's okay." It's been said a bunch of times already, but Ryan Cartwright is phenomenal. I'll keep my eyes on that guy if/when Alphas is eventually cancelled, at least 3

"It's my turn, Dr. Rosen." such a great scene. And when Rosen put his hand on Gary's shoulder to steady himself, that was a nice touch. "Wait, no, that's okay." It's been said a bunch of times already, but Ryan Cartwright is phenomenal. I'll keep my eyes on that guy if/when Alphas is eventually cancelled, at least 3

Liked for html closing tags.

Liked for html closing tags.

Oh, good. Does this mean I'm also not the only person who thinks Firebug Scipio looks like a younger Chris Penn?

Oh, good. Does this mean I'm also not the only person who thinks Firebug Scipio looks like a younger Chris Penn?

haha. I knew I was going to miss the Talkin Toons reference.

haha. I knew I was going to miss the Talkin Toons reference.

I didn't see it mentioned here, but Phil LaMarr was on Talkin Toons with Rob Paulsen (Pinky of "Pinky and the Brain" and a metric fuckton of other stuff) somewhat recently, and he goes into a little more depth with the Samurai Jack stories, as well as the rest of his career. It's also just a fun show and anyone who's

I didn't see it mentioned here, but Phil LaMarr was on Talkin Toons with Rob Paulsen (Pinky of "Pinky and the Brain" and a metric fuckton of other stuff) somewhat recently, and he goes into a little more depth with the Samurai Jack stories, as well as the rest of his career. It's also just a fun show and anyone who's

In the commentary track for Waking Life, they actually mention the Wiley Wiggins Nose Thing a couple times - the commentary is done by Wiley, Linklater, and someone else. It's worth checking out for information on rotoscoping, the various Austin locals/professors/other interesting people he got for the movie, and

To echo other sentiments: this game is fucking awesome.

Ever since they lost the internet-meme-spewing sidekick/co-host, it's gotten much better. Kumail is definitely not for everyone, but I like Emily Gordon much better than Aly Baker (or however it's spelled). The Dan Harmon episode was pretty great, thanks to them keeping all the weird side-tangents and discussions that

Graham Elwood is one of Doug Benson's friends - he's been on DLM a few times, and I tend to get annoyed by just hearing his voice, so I've stayed away from Comedy Film Nerds.

going by spelling (and not having listened to the episode yet), I'd add "Best in Showard the Duck…"

I liked the Paul F. Tompkins fake-out. It seemed like something Todd would do as an elaborate joke - play an excessively long introduction, changing music styles at least twice, fill it with clips of Todd Glass or people talking about him, build it up more and more until you're getting annoyed, announce "now, your

I'll back up Drunk Dalek on Indoor Kids. It's a Nerdist podcast (they've been getting a whole little network going on there - Indoor Kids, Making It, Nerdist, something about writers/writing, and soon, the Todd Glass Show (huzzah!))

Life of the Party guy was great - "what the fuck is wrong with you, just sittin' there? Get up! Dance around! It's a party!" Andy Daly is generally just awesome, though. The episode with Patton Oswalt and Don Dimello was gold - "Bring out the girls!"

the other white meat: so did i.