former state street rat

yes. Not a huge Tosh.0 fan (even though I like his stand-up), but Sports Show is definitely a good thing. Let's hope CC doesn't do to Norm what they did to, oh, just about every other show they've had in the last five years.

@dgl: hate The Drake.

yes! the shark pool in his backyard where his small children play! it's been a while, but didn't he have to get rid of the sharks for some reason or another?

I've been a comedy-podcast fan for a while, so people who come over have to/get to listen to stuff like Doug Loves Movies, WTF, CDR, and Sklarbro Country. The general consensus is that the Sklars are the most solidly entertaining. I'm not a huge sports fan, so most of the names are completely unfamiliar to

"It Takes A Thief"
"Human Target" seems like a darker and more modern version of the show "It Takes A Thief" with Robert Wagner - criminal with a shady past reforms and goes on adventure-of-the-week. And there's a damsel, sometimes in distress, involved somehow. In "Thief," Alex Mundy is, well, a thief who gets

I was told a comedian was involved in this somehow
okay, so the premise here is "guy does stuff in America." Where's the *show*? Dan Whitney acting like a dumb hick while doing stuff? That's his fucking act. That he does it outside of a comedy club or straight-to-home-release movie? That's not a show. That's a shame.

a bit late, but regarding the potential casting of Hicks - how about Jimmy Dore? I've been listening to Comedy and Everything Else for a while, and not only does he bring up Bill Hicks occasionally, they seem to have similar attitudes towards comedy (again, SEEM TO - all I really know of Hicks comes from his stage

wow. 8 damn pages, and I've only seen one mention of Pigface. that is fucking crazy, because they put on a hell of an awesome show. I brought my landlord to one of their concerts (along with about half a dozen friends) - must have been five or six years ago? must have been for Preaching to the Perverted, as

oh, so this is the O Brother thread! just adding my two cents to the pile…

SpindleFiend: yes and that's an excellent description. I've seen a couple episodes and I wanted to watch something entertaining, but someone decided that they were going to tell Shatner all about the worst year of their life, in excruciating detail.

hey, Claudia! Your spelling's gotten better!

the DJ Shadow performed by a high school percussion ensemble is fucking cool. thanks for the link. I imagine it's gotta be pretty tough to play that off-beat "breakdown" from "Building Steam…"

oh, and littlealex - thanks for that link for RotDJ - I had the first one on a cd someone burned for me years ago, and it was one of my favorites until it disappeared. I hope whoever took it is enjoying it as much as I did, that fucking asshole.

hey, someone else here knows who shitmat is! I was going to mention Killa Babylon Kutz; I think it's almost a comment on mashups themselves - every song is "mashed" with the same "babylon bwoy" sample, as though shitmat just decided to see how many different songs he could throw it into and have it work. It does work,

Yeah, I think "badass" is a pretty good description of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - or at least, how you feel when you finally take down half a dozen bandits with a shitty pistol. :)

-filthy: fuck yeah, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Frustrating, depressing, and full of awesome. I'm going through Call of Pripyat right now for the second time (joining those filthy fucking Freedom hippies this time, mainly for the gear - not impressed with it so far - Duty uses guns that fucking WORK in the Zone without the

caffeine spider: every time I hear/read that joke, in my head, I hear it as Todd Glass doing an impression of Rodney Dangerfield doing Mitch Hedberg jokes. I'm sure that sounds fucking horrible to a lot of people, and I know a bunch of people who don't find it funny at all, but it cracks me up every time.

hey… maybe this Drew Carey thing is the reason CC passed on his WTF show. they didn't want people to confuse Marc "my hobbies are paranoia, fear, and revenge fantasies" Maron with Drew "Cleveland Rocks" Carey (I don't mind the guy, but I really can't think of any pithy catchphrase that sums him up other than that of

Sam L. - yay SPY jokes! Kris Kristofferson as the Old Man. Wesley Snipes as the Sea-Dracula.

The Juggernaut, Bitch - you sound like a guy I used to game with - a puerto-rican gangsta dude who was a complete nerd when it came to RPGs and comics and stuff. it's an interesting combination.