damn it, penis. now I'm angry again. I really don't care about Al Roker believing in things that he believes in or whatever, but pajama/jeans? fuck that. fuck that in the ear.
yeah, what Do Not Touch Willie said. the Winterized T-51b that you get is apparently the version from the O:A simulation.
I haven't seen a recap for last night's episode, so…
I'll just put this down here, in case anyone else is bored this morning like I am. :)
PFT + Podcast = Gold (Jerry, Gold!)
I love PFT's stand-up, but I think he's great when he's on a podcast. Doug Benson's I Love Movies, Jordan Jesse Go!, Comedy and Everything Else… the ILM with him and Sean Cullen (Joe Jackson the singer is a bear, the two of them do a Leonard Maltin song, and more!) is great. The…
Jorge - Man, fuck Figrin D'an. He totally ruined the 'Nodes; they went all commercial and sold out.
misanthrope - a) yay WHB!! b) L4D "encourages" co-op play by making it so that you need your teammates to survive. some of the special infected can fuck you up hard if you're alone; the smoker pulls you towards him with his tongue (possibly intestines), and the hunter pounces you and claws your face off. Without…
I'll chime in here for L4D as well, and throw in my steam id while i'm at it, as i have a few days off coming up. steamid: dj.subversive
it seems like Keith David and Lance Henriksen have become go-to voice actors for video games. I remember Saints Row and Keith David helps you up after a drive by. "You all right, playa?"
seems like as good an article as any for this…
I found out about Hulu because of Arrested Development (probably based on reading this site). Later, I discovered a show from the 70s called "It Takes A Thief" that, as it turned out, Hulu had the first couple seasons of. So, them moving to a subscription system means I'm…
yay, SotC love. this is the thread I was looking for.
wasn't it "Heroes in a half-shell"?
you know what I find best about this? someone went through the trouble (not that there's a lot of it) to register "icemayer" and spam tallfinder-dot-com.
Tito - Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction vs. Mercenaries 2: The Search for More Money.
indeed. apparently, I just like to hear myself talk. I guess my main contention was with the way it sounded like you were dismissing turntablism as requiring almost no talent, when in fact, that is not true. again, see Endtroducing….. Also, DJ Spooky is another dj I suggest checking out if you're interested in talent.
okay, that Beck comment at the end was just… I don't know what happened there. Insert something more appropriate. Kool Keith or something. yeah.
Ellsworth - first off, it wasn't coffee. it was a chai latte with a couple shots of espresso. excellent breakfast drink. :)
DJ Shadow. Endtroducing….
zircona1 - yeah. I'm unequivocally Not A Fan of his music, but he seems like a pretty okay guy when he's not "on."
oh, I remember Closure! we watched it one night while on acid. That was a Bad Idea but we were all angsty NIN-fan teenagers.